Wednesday, July 04, 2007

The Intern - Day 38/50

I'm so hungry the stomach juices have gotten to my brain. After lunch, I'll get so sleepy I can't work either. After teabreak the physical self should be fine, but then it'd nearly be knock off time. That leaves the morning, and mornings are strictly for checking emails and warming up for the rest of the day. I think the Best Employee award may be beyond me this month.

Something irks me whenever i visit the toilet here. There's perpetually a puddle of pee or two right under the urinals. And by puddle i mean a real puddle, like water collected in a pothole after rain.

I dunno how the guy manages it. It looks as if the urinal is leaking, but I know it's not. And apparently it's not a case of misjudgement, more like the instrument of projection malfunctioned and the criminal fluid wimply dripped onto the floor instead of gushing out into the urinal. How he prevented his shoes from being splattered all over is mystifying.

Such inept performance is socially intolerable. I propose that the Moral Education subject in school includes a module on Proper Peeing Practice (PPP). The PPP practical exam would have a row of students peeing while the examiner inspects from the back. Any drop of pee on the floor renders immediate failure. Repeat failures should be banned from public toilets. That should nip the pertinent problem in the bud, before it gets out of hand, literally.

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