Saturday, April 22, 2006


Was sitting in my room. Turned my head and saw a nice gradient of orangey-pink. Photographer instinct in me made me walk to the door. And then.. Fwaaahhh Lan Ehhhhh

Saw the biggest/widest/longest huge ass rainbow i've ever seen in my life. 2 rainbows in fact, with another smaller one beside the huge ass rainbow.

It means that i'm gonna pass all my exams and get 2 As.

Dashed into the room to grab the camera, but it faded too fast into the setting sky. I looked down and across at people at the pavement and in the opposite block, and all seemed oblivious to the wonderful sight above.

I feel sorry for them.

Friday, April 14, 2006

American Coffee

During my army days, my platoon was once stationed at the Sembawang Wharves which has an American supermarket stocked with imports.

On a particular day, some of us went in to get drinks. One of my hokkien peng friend then bought a curvacious-looking bottle with the word 'coffee' on the label.

A while later, after taking a few sips, he showed it to us and said that his coffee seemed to have gone bad.

It turned out to be liquid Coffee-Mate.

Monday, April 03, 2006

666, mark of the beast.

As extracted from The Straight Dope.. full article here

"Bottom line: the number 666 has become associated with Satan in western culture, and appears that way in literature and film. Often this is explicit, in films like The Omen, but sometimes it's more subtle. According to Wikipedia:

In Clockwork Orange, two police officers are numbers 665 and 667.

In Pulp Fiction, the briefcase is opened by the code 666.

The opening of Andrew Lloyd Weber's musical Phantom of the Opera is an auction, where lot 666 is the famous chandelier.

And, of course, there was that joke list making the e-mail rounds a while back that included:

666 = number of the beast
665 = older brother of the beast
660 = approximate number of the beast
66600 = zip code of the beast
1/666 = common denominator of the beast
665.95 = retail price of the beast

and so forth.


I am happy to tell you there's more:

660 = Approximate number of the Beast
DCLXVI = Roman numeral of the Beast
666.0000 = Number of the High Precision Beast
0.666 = Number of the Millibeast
/ 666 = Beast Common Denominator
(-666) ^ (1/2) = Imaginary number of the Beast
6.66 e3 = Floating point Beast
1010011010 = Binary of the Beast
6, uh . . . what was that number again? = Number of the Blonde Beast
1-666 = Area code of the Beast
00666 = Zip code of the Beast
666mph = The speed limit of the Beast
$665.95 = Retail price of the Beast
$699.25 = Price of the Beast plus 5% state sales tax
$769.95 = Price of the Beast with all accessories and replacement soul
$656.66 = Walmart price of the Beast
$646.66 = Next week's Walmart price of the Beast
Phillips 666 = Gasoline of the Beast
Route 666 = Way of the Beast
666 F = Oven temperature for roast Beast
666k = Retirement plan of the Beast
666 mg = Recommended Minimum Daily Requirement of Beast
6.66 % = 5 year CD interest rate at First Beast of Hell National Bank, $666 minimum deposit.
$666/hr = Beast's lawyer's billing rate
Lotus 6-6-6 = Spreadsheet of the Beast
Word 6.66 = Word Processor of the Beast
i66686 = CPU of the Beast
665.9997856 = The Number of the Beast on a Pentium
666i = BMW of the Beast
DSM-666 (revised) = Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the Beast
1232 Octal, Apt. 29A = Beast's hexed address
668 = Next-door neighbor of the Beast
333 = The semi-Christ "

I love Straight Dope.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Song Brothers

The customer service at the widely known electronic devices shop, Song Brothers, in particular the branch at Sim Lim Square, is something to talk about.

It is a national disgrace.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

some memories

Some memories are best left forgotten
Stripped of feelings and aromas
Left with faces and a time from your life
Carefully packed into a locked closet