Thursday, September 20, 2007

silent night

the nights are the worst.

after so long, i really do know. the nights are cruel. the nights force you to say good bye. they leave you all alone. the nights bring silence, silenced off the world and leave you to grief for all. silence so loud, it hurts. silence so silent and so loud. you hear your heartbeat, beating the ailing heart. you hear your sadness and the sighs, crashing waves after waves down against your left chamber, north of your artery.

You also try to hear, somewhere in the distant east, whether the other heart sings the same story. silence bridges the distance. you recognise the rhythm of her breathing. remember it even, for life. Sleeping, she may be, but listen. Sleep my share for me. The sleeping heart speaks what the stubborn mind wouldn't hear. Is this what you really want? can you hear your whispering doubts?

I can sit with you and listen. Listen to each other's heart. You hear them the clearest, in the silence of the night.


Midnight of 20th September '07
I'll always remember tonight

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