Friday, November 02, 2007

tell me when, we'll meet again.

tired. of a lot of things. physically. mentally. emotionally.
how did i screw up my life so badly? it's like a giant step towards depression. though i'm still sane enough to say that i'm not entirely depressed. not yet.

waiting for something, someone, is one of the worst thing in life that one can choose to do. you never know when they will turn up. sometimes they can't. sometimes they dun want to. though when such stuttering moments do come by, you subconsciously try frantically to squeeze in as many words as you can within the preallocated five minutes. and inevitably at the premature end of the conversation comes the two words that you never ever want to say. but you always have to utter them anyhow.

if time can be purchased, i'll buy you some.
about three lifetime's worth.

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