Friday, June 24, 2005

Atrophy of the brain

Too much boredom leads to brain atrophy.

It occurs after spending great hours staring into space and wondering what to do for the remaining hours of the day. It then discreetly enter itself into a loop, until all remaining hours are spent, deep in wonder.

Then you get stupid.

Example: I spent my entire day in wonderment of what best to do in order to maximise my life. Cest La Vie they say. Sieze the moment. I tried, but the moment struggled, and it just happened that I took quite a while to sieze it.

Nightfall, and I hurry out of the house so that I can make it for the last bus back to school. I have yet to realise that I have turned stupid-er already.

Made it with half an hour to spare. So I went to 7-11 to get some drinks, to toast myself off for the trip up north tomorrow.

Brought to the counter 2 x Vitasoy, those 375ml packets for $1.10 each. Amounts to $2.20. And a little box of kueh lapis, price unknown. So i asked for its price before paying, and cleverly avoided paying an atrocious $4 for that ridiculously small piece of cake. Smart, I thought. It's not even from Bengawan Solo.

While waiting for the bus, it suddenly hit me like a cake of kueh lapis falling onto my head. I've paid $2.20 for the stupid vitasoy. When I could have gotten a 1-liter bottle of my favourite soya bean milk, nice, fresh and calcium enriched for just $1.70.

I can hear an entire row of kueh lapis smirking at me from the factory rollers. S T U P I D.

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