It's a wretched morning. As per all soccer mornings, I had eagerly stomped out of bed, only that I was going to try out my new singular pair of contact lenses. After 20min of prodding, I had managed to insert the right lens amiably and to a certain extent, the left one as well, although it seemed to be strangely inverted. Poking of fingers in eyes causes broken blood vessels. Both eyes.
Then came the weather boardcast from HQ. Rain. No Play. Curse and swear. Another 15min of digging to get the lenses out. And back to sleep with two bloodshot eyes. That's why i love my spectacles so.
10th to 12th was spent in school as the important Logistics strength of the Seniors' Camp. It was a stupid camp. Great amount of time was spent doing nothing in various tv lounges waiting for stupid games to be carried out. Those were periods of great difficulties punctuated with some moments of brilliant nonsenses, thanx to friends who had cleverly dragged me along to the stupid camp.
Great boredom can sometimes result in brilliant moments of inventiveness, sometimes stupid but often hilarious, and that's how we pass our time. In short we call ourselves Logs.

Gabriel. One-quarter of the new a cappella group, N4.
There are also characters from the camp whom we'll remember for time to come. The Idiot who has an idiotic face and behaves like an irritating ass. Leopard Skin who wore this skimpy swimming trunks with leopard prints and has a stick of a body. The disgusting CJ with a truly gruesome and monstrous frontal V-shaped wedgie, and whose face i felt like punching the day I saw him. And of course, The-One-Who-Ate-Our-Basketball. We have no doubts where our lost ball was.
It was that bad that we went around picking durians from durian trees scattered around the school compound on Sunday evening. And failed miserably. One will never notice it, but the day you decide to pick durians is when you'll find out the high population of illegal durian pickers in university. They beat us to every single pulp.
So we tried again on Monday morning, and got beaten twice over. Bored and without durians.

On a parting note: Humongous UFO landing pads along Old Tampines Road. What the fuck are those?