Friday, August 10, 2007

faded black and white melodies

listening to sad love songs at 4.30 in the morning does something to the soul; a feeling that i used to know very well indeed.

hi waipeng, i'm reading your blog. and your friend trixie's too. and funnie, that you both know lester, who used to be my best friend 15 years ago, whom i met again in ntu, but we left it at that for some reasons unknown.

Michael W. Smith's Friends is playing now. The song that we sang back in our Sec 1 or 2 class performance. Nostalgia-filled faded memories. I can almost drop a tear right now, the friends we had and those who departed from our lives.

I would like to reacquaint all my old friends. before it's too late.

before the merciless hands of time sweep us by.

which brought a thought to my head, is there a limit to the number of close and active friends one can have at any point of his life? once a certain quota is reached, old friends are pushed down the list and replaced by new ones?

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