Tuesday, March 20, 2007

news flash in brief

- finally submitted my fyp report today.. an end to the countless days of intensive brain juicing. all in, i wrote only about 50 odd pages of rubbish, but that will do. i can't imagine my supervisors and examiner taking more than a cursory glance at all our hard work. i'm tired man. but it's not over yet.. that bitch of a report has got a second calling due in a couple weeks.. the amended final report or whatever. when can i start attending my lectures and tutorials again...?

- xphysique's over. we finished somewhere in the anonymous middle of the pack, and didn't bother to stay behind for the results that day. abseiling went okie.. not that scary. in fact, it's nothing much once u get both legs over that 6 storeys high ledge. we ran like dogs right from the start, covering a hefty distance from youth park till marina bay. got stuck with a screwed up bike during the cycling element and everyone were just breezing past me. no good. the river crossing part was lame. canoeing was tiring.. and that's about it.

of all days, my body chose to give up on me during the event. initially my left knee gave way. then something went wrong somewhere under my ribs, and i ran the last few stations with what felt like stomach cramps... fucckkkkk... the internal organs were all scrunched up in a knot.. most disturbing. i tried to hold my breath and run, but realised that i couldn't go very far like that. i had no choice but to wobble along like a wuss. but still, our team had fun.

- today, something's wrong with my knees still. i climbed the stairs like i'm 75, with sharp pain somewhere. maybe soccer this sunday will put things right.. it's been too long man.. i'm leading a deprived life.

- diving at pulau lang tengah 30th march till 2nd april. 3 projects and 2 assignments to complete by then. and an amended fyp report. 10 days. then comes exams. i'm brilliant at getting myself into shitloads of agony really.

- the green form appears on the table asking me to tick the date that i'll vacating my hall. i don't feel quite ready for this. i'm actually graduting soon.. a bit too soon. i signed it with somewhat a heavy heart.

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