Tuesday, April 24, 2007

The 10,000th Shot

13th April 2007, Friday

This is the 10,000th shot that I took using my Canon S2 IS, since i bought it roughly in September 2005. That's about 1.5 years of intensive shooting, averaging out to 555 shots per month. The milestone was sadly reached without me realising it, and took place in the middle of a tussle between Alda and Johan when we were studying at the SAC.

The camera counter resetted itself after the 9900th photo, a number, which i figured out only later, that was significant simply because the last photo of that set of hundred would exceed the 4-digits maximaum. Hence 9900 + 100 = 10000. Which means that my 20,000th shot would be IMG_0200.JPG.

If only it had been a better shot, a more carefully thought out one. But looking back, I realise I've come a long way since I first laid my hands on this camera. I've learnt a great deal, photographed memorable parts of my life, and taken quite a number of photos for my friends, hoping I've left a bit of me in them, like how they have impressioned upon my life.

. . r e m e m b e r . .

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