Remembering Jerangkang

Jerangkang Falls... one of the many
And so the story begins, 19th-21st Feb, as I travelled to Kuantan, Malaysia, with NTU ODAC on a trekking trip up Jerangkang Falls.
We cleared the Woodlands customs on foot and boarded 170 towards the Causeway; it's actually my first time entering Malaysia this way. We then took a bus to Larkin, warded off several menacing looking ticket touts, took a coach for hours before reaching Kuantan, waited for pre-hired cabs that would take us to the small town near Jerangkang, before finally bumping our way to the place itself aboard a 4WD truck.
Pretty exciting way to travel. All that's lacking is an ox-driven cart.

Walking up from base camp to our camp site

At the camp site, right next to a waterfall.
Then we started trekking through the forest. Didn't expect to have to go through all these rather army-like terrain actuualy. The guys gotta help some of the girls up the trickier part, with mud and all. I'm seriously and quietly thankful that the girls are all good sport and not the whiny get-on-your-nerves kind.

John Doe
At the 2nd of the falls that we stopped at. Higher and stronger waters. Sounds of gushing waters accompanied our lunch of bread, nutella, tuna and chocolate.

Lovely place.. another gentler falls
This IS the place to be at.. wonderful fun-filled waters.

Happy people, happy waters

Falls that exudes joy

All 15 of us.
Really nice people, all except for one who's rather obnoxious and whom i found most irritating, not least in the way which he managed to spoil whatever photos I was taking that he forced himself into.

with heart i step
a foot on her bank
plunge amidst wild sprays
the falls of jerangkang

Camp cook.. pasta.. campbell soup.. sausages.. scrambled eggs..
Nice cosy dinner. Unconsciously avoided doing any cooking by walking around with my important looking camera and taking photos that turned out ugly and blurrish at night.

Calm basin near our camp, where we bathed and washed.

The morning after
I slept out in the open atop a canvas sheet, stars above and alone with the forest next to me. Thankfully it did not rain like it threatened to. All the rest were sleepin in tents, which seeemed rather stuffy to me. Was in danger of sleeping with the obnoxious one too.

Silky waters
Good job for convincing zhuomin to go for this trip with me

Our trusty pair of Teva.. My very much lighter sandals ever since the sole came off more than a year ago. Yeah.. went up the falls without soles.
Respect to Teva.. we made it!

Good old A&W.. Tuesday is Coney Day.. rootbeer floats.. curly fries.. waffles with icecream..
Out of the forest, past the plantations and plunged into A&W. Our trip ended off with an impromptu dinner at JB.
And that's it.. for now.
All my Jerangkang Falls photos: Part I :: Part II
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