Sunday, November 08, 2009

In Bruges

It was nearly a year ago when i was travelling around Cambodia and ended up in Phnom Penh twice as part of my journey to nowhere. On the first occasion I stayed in a $3 USD 3m x 3m cubicle at a lakeside guesthouse. on the second arrival, i tried hard to avoid a guesthouse which has been syndicated by all, and i do mean all the tuk tuk and motorcycles in the bustling city, believing that something must be wrong with it. After walking around for hours with my eyes glued to my lonely planet map i finally gave in and checked myself into OK Guesthouse and demanded the cheapest $2 USD a night room.

At night after having explored a very large and practical joke called the Olympic Stadium, witnessed the single largest and unorganized mass dance i've seen in my life, warned off by a well meaning auntie and an aerobics instructor about bad boys who will rob me of my camera - i'm still at the stadium, and survived a sudden downpour, i retreated back to OK Guesthouse for dinner.

It was the kind of guesthouse with a cosy interior stacked with books and dvds, a very decent temporal lodge for a melting pot of nationalities and one Singaporean. Over dinner I set my eyes on the tv where a film was already playing and remained at the dining area still transfixed to the screen long after the last of my banana milkshake had been sucked out, and so did the rest of the United Nations. Bloody good film i thought to myself but promptly failed to register the title in my head... Tried as i did, i couldn't recall any searching clue of the films until moments ago as i browsed through imdb's top 250 again and caught the somewhat familiar looking dvd cover.

In Bruges! Written and directed by Martin McDonagh.

Lovely night.

Lovely night until i remember the incessant chattering by this fuckin retard sitting behind me while i was catching The Tunnel at Cinema Europa. For the third or fourth movie in a row i got pissed by idiots who dunno how to keep their mouth shut in cinemas. Cinemas should wage a new campaign against them.

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

it irks me that i can't make masterpieces out of everything, yet it's the hard truth that i must face.

in fact, have i even created anything that steals your eyes for half a minute?

i wonder.


anyway here's a bit Yogyakarta.