god's will.
http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/afp_asiapacific/view/1009242/1/.html The death toll from a week of catastrophes across Asia-Pacific neared 2,000 on Sunday as rescuers raced to reach the survivors of a series of earthquakes, tsunamis and typhoons.
"This is a test from God and we accept it, but we're angry and sad that help hasn't come,"
So are you angry with the government, or god?
if it's god's who is testing you, wouldn't god be in control of when help arrives?
Or when it doesn't arrive?
Since he is almighty, and great, and hey, god's just testing you.
And you accepted it.
If I've offended any religious souls, i'm sorry that i'm not in the least bit sorry, because it's probably god's will that he trained me as an engineer.
This is a time to thank God not only for those who are lost, but the rest who are still alive
Thank god for those who are lost?
You've really lost me now.